Developing students to explore and grow
Crescent Academy International strives to develop students in mind, body and soul to explore and grow in knowledge of God, themselves and the patterns within creation. Our educational approach is holistic, experiential and project-based.
Integrity, honesty, industry, cooperation, enthusiasm, responsibility, appreciation, service and faith are the principles that guide our mission.
Excellence in academics as well as the emotional, social, physical and spiritual aspects of development are all part of our educational program.
The bottom line is excellence in human development:
Nurturing hearts, minds and bodies so they are God-centered rather than self-centered when making choices - a life of knowing and loving God.
Highly qualified and dedicated staff, well-balanced curricula that fuse national and Michigan standards within The Tarbiyah Project©, beautifully designed learning spaces, and authentic assessment tools combine to provide Crescent students with one of the best educational experiences.
The Tarbiyah Project©
The Tarbiyah Project© is proprietary to the Institute for Learning and Development (ILD) an integral part of the Tauhidi Legacy and Trust. The Tarbiyah Project© essentially shifts teaching and learning from being information-centered to being transformation-centered. It is based upon key principles and key areas of development:
Key Principles:
- Transformation of key stakeholders — staff, students, parents, community
- Sustainable empowerment of the stakeholders
Key Development Areas:
- Human development
- Curriculum development
- Community development
- Culture development
- Systems development
Mentoring communities
Crescent uses restorative practices to create an atmosphere of community and mutual respect. Prophetic restorative practices propagate the values of being heard and having voice; repairing a harm or wrongdoing with goodness and grace; recognizing limits, roles and responsibilities; and forgiveness and patience to promote healing and wholeness as core Islamic principles. Additionally, the emphasis is on nurturing and building trusting relationships with care, empathy and compassion, as well as using natural consequences rather than punitive measures to handle disciplinary problems. Problematic behaviors are dealt with according to the prophetic restorative practice framework.
Middle school seniors take a trip to Washington D.C.
“Our goal as Islamic educators is not to fill our children’s minds with as much information about Islam as possible, but rather to guide and assist them in becoming Muslim, inspiring them to transform themselves in the process.” Dawud Tauhidi, founding member