Montessori Preschool
Nurturing curiosity and development,
Discovering the wonder of Allah’s creation
One of the goals of the curriculum at Crescent is to integrate Islamic principles into all areas of instruction and experience, to facilitate the well-balanced growth and development of Muslim children spiritually and academically.
This goal is realized through the core aspects of the preschool curriculum within a Montessori setting. These core aspects include:
- The Islamic sciences. Children learn to recite ayat of Qur'an and many dua’, in addition to the basics of the Arabic alphabet in preparation for further study in the elementary school.
- The language and visual arts and social sciences
- The math and physical sciences
As a Montessori program, the Crescent preschool provides a well-balanced, age-appropriate learning environment that nurtures a child’s natural curiosity and their cognitive social/emotional, physical and most importantly, spiritual development.
Children are given room to freely choose their “work” according to their own interests. The concept of self-agency allows the child to develop at their own pace during these critical preschool years -- in a multi-aged environment with Montessori-trained teachers and authentic Montessori materials.