Anti-Bullying Statement

*At Crescent Academy International, we are committed to educating and raising young people imbued with the qualities of a Muslim personality: devotion to Almighty Allah, commitment to their Islamic principles, care and service to others, and an understanding of their role in contemporary society. *At Crescent Academy International, we do not stand for any form of bullying against any of our stakeholders. Bullying is defined as any deliberate, hurtful, or aggressive behavior that is repeated over time and involves an imbalance of power. It can take various forms, including but not limited to verbal, physical, social, and cyberbullying.
Anti-Bullying Statement

*At Crescent Academy International, we are all responsible for and have a role in standing against bullying:

  • Administration

    • Being a role model of healthy, respectful relationships

    • Developing and implementing anti-bullying policies and procedures

    • Providing trainings to staff, students, and parents regarding bullying prevention and intervention

    • Investigating and addressing reported incidents of bullying promptly and fairly

    • Maintaining records of bullying incidents and their resolutions

    • Monitoring the overall effectiveness of the anti-bullying program

    • Making changes and updates to the anti-bullying program, as needed

  • Staff

    • Being a role model of healthy, respectful relationships

    • Promoting a positive classroom environment that discourages bullying behavior

    • Being vigilant and proactive in preventing bullying incidents

    • Reporting any suspected, observed, or reported bullying to the principal’s office

    • Supporting students who are targets of bullying and referring them to counseling or support services

  • Students

    • Treating others with respect and kindness

    • Not participating in, encouraging, or tolerating bullying behavior

    • Reporting any bullying incidents to an adult in the school

    • Being supportive upstanders and intervening when they witness bullying

  • Parents

    • Being a role model of healthy, respectful relationships

    • Upholding and promoting a culture of kindness and empathy outside of school

    • Encouraging open communication with their children about bullying

    • Reporting any bullying concerns to the principal’s office promptly

    • Collaborating with the school to address and resolve bullying incidents

*At Crescent Academy International, consequences of bullying may include but are not limited to:

  • counseling

  • parental involvement

  • loss of privileges

  • disciplinary action, depending on the severity and frequency of the offense

*At Crescent Academy International, we will maintain the confidentiality of all parties involved in a bullying incident to the extent permitted by law.

*At Crescent Academy International, we are committed to fostering a culture of respect, empathy, and inclusivity. This anti-bullying policy is an integral part of our efforts to create a safe and nurturing learning environment for all students.

This policy will be regularly reviewed to ensure its effectiveness in preventing and addressing bullying


Anti-cyberbullying Statement

*At Crescent Academy International, we are committed to educating and raising young people imbued with the qualities of a Muslim personality: devotion to Almighty Allah, commitment to their Islamic principles, care and service to others, and an understanding of their role in contemporary society.

*At Crescent Academy International, we do not stand for any form of bullying against any of our stakeholders, whether in-person or online.  Online or cyberbullying is defined as any willful, deliberate, or repeated aggressive behavior using digital technology with the intent to harm, threaten, harass, or intimidate another person. This includes but is not limited to sending hurtful messages, sharing inappropriate content, spreading rumors, impersonation, and exclusion.  This policy applies to all students, staff, and members of the school community who engage in digital activities both on and off school premises when such activities affect the school environment.

*At Crescent Academy International, we are committed to educating students, parents, and staff about the consequences of cyberbullying, the responsible use of technology, and digital citizenship. Regular cyberbullying prevention programs and resources will be provided to students and staff.

*At Crescent Academy International, all instances of cyberbullying should be reported promptly to the principal’s office. Reports will be taken seriously and treated confidentially. Upon receiving a report, the school administration will conduct a thorough investigation. Appropriate disciplinary action will be taken, following school policies and local laws. Support will be provided to both the victim and the perpetrator as needed, including counseling services if required.

*At Crescent Academy International, consequences for cyberbullying may include but are not limited to:

  • counseling

  • parental involvement

  • loss of technology privileges

  • disciplinary action, depending on the severity and frequency of the offense

Cyberbullying incidents occurring outside of school hours but affecting the school environment will be addressed if they impact the safety and well-being of students or staff. Retaliation against individuals who report cyberbullying or participate in investigations is strictly prohibited and will result in disciplinary action.

*At Crescent Academy International, we encourage parents and guardians to play an active role in educating their children about responsible digital behavior and promptly reporting any cyberbullying incidents to the school.

*At Crescent Academy International, we will adhere to all federal, state, and local laws and regulations regarding cyberbullying.

*At Crescent Academy International, we aim to create a safe and respectful online environment for all students and staff. Implementing and enforcing a comprehensive cyberbullying policy is intended to educate, prevent, and respond effectively to cyberbullying incidents within the school community.

This policy will be regularly reviewed to ensure its effectiveness in preventing and addressing bullying


Additional Resources 

StopBullying–A federal government website managed by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (

OK2SAY–Michigan Student Safety Program (

Cyberbullying Research Center–The Center is committed to offering current insights into the characteristics, scope, origins, and impacts of cyberbullying among adolescents. (

American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry-Bullying Resource Center

Center for Parent Information & Resources-Collection of Bullying Resources

The Family Youth Institute (The FYI)–The FYI is dedicated to supporting individuals, families, and communities via research and education.


Approved on Jan 14, 2024